Healing and wellness Sessions:
Visits are structured using the Wise Woman Model of care. Time will be spent creating your health history Spiral and discovering root causes to dis-ease states when applicable. Treatments will be based on supporting and developing your inner wise woman healer and intuitive senses. Examples may include body work, yoga, meditation, herbal and homeopathic allies, and more.
Full-spectrum women's healthcare options like prescriptive medications, blood testing, hormone testing and PAPs are also available as indicated and desired. Insurance can be billed for these services as applicable.
Our bodies know exactly what they need to heal and they are constantly sending us messages. But if our energy channels are blocked then we aren't able to receive those messages.
Our human bodies are more than just what we can see physically.
Energetic healing modalities cannot only clear blockages that may result in actual healing but they can also open channels of communication so that you can better discern the messages your body is trying to send you.
These sessions will be a combination of intuitive/energetic bodywork, meditation, and shamanic healing practices.
Originally designed and intended as a postpartum healing tradition, this practice can also be used to help promote healing for any sexual, birth or feminine-related trauma. In addition to being a part of a postpartum resealing ceremony of the physical body, in my experience it may also reseal the body from trauma. It can work similarly to a soul retrieval, where we are realigning and bringing back parts of ourselves that were wounded and offering them a safe space to return.
Many of us women, and men also, are not taught about our sexuality as a sacred and energetic portal. This space when we allow or are violated, by certain energies can become an an unprotected space and a source for trauma to hibernate.
Using the cerrada, we can invite healing into this space by dissolving traumas and then resealing this space with wholeness and sacredness.
This is a 2-3hr ceremony that includes a limpia, or energetic cleansing, and then a tightly wrapping of the body from head to toe. Other elements of healing like sound bowls, drums, and rattles may be used. Ceremonies will vary and be led by the needs and intentions of the client.
Have you been struggling to get pregnant or over 35 years old and worried time is running out? These 1hr long sessions are designed to help you drop into your sacred womb space and see yourself as the portal of life. Learn how to call in and communicate with your spirit baby, how to hold sacred space for life and birth, your fertility moon and more.
The medical model falls short of understanding women's fertility from a fully embodied spiritual lense. Our fertility is more then just biological markers, learn how to nourish yourself on all levels of your being so that you are fully aligned with pregnancy at your deepest desire.
Tired of birth control being the only option to prevent pregnancy? Let's talk about the fertility awareness method! Not only can this be used to prevent pregnancy but can also be used as one of the most important biological markers for women's health. Our cycles are sacred, and serve very important aspects of our overall mental and physical well-being. The idea that you don't "need" a period is out! This a divine design by nature, come learn why it matters that you don't silence it.
1:1 COaching:
Have you experienced a traumatic birth? Did things not go as planned despite your efforts? Sometimes traumatic experiences can place us into a state of victimhood that prevents us from being able to access our place of true freedom and healing. There is a period of time dedicated for greiveing the loss of a desired outcome and the occurrence of a situation or event we did not want to happen. Even a violation. And then there is a time to move into full ownership of choices, honoring what we cannot control and releasing. Do you feel you are ready to move into this space and discover true healing?
One-on-one guided coaching to deepen your understanding of specific postures or to design a yoga flow that may fit your personal healing needs or intentions. All sessions end with a guided meditation experience and sound healing or shamanic journeying. Sessions are available for both prenatal and traditional yoga inquiries.
For more information and pricing visit Organic Home Birth or contact me for a free consultation.
Originally designed and intended for women during their postpartum time to honor the pregnancy/birth journey and gently return to the non-pregnant state. Many people associate cerradas with Mexican lineages, and while it does have origins in these cultures, cerrada ceremonies can be found in many Indigenous cultures around the world.
It is believed that pregnancy and birth are times when women are in a very open and expanded state, physically and spiritually. Our bodies and souls quite literally open and expand to deliver our babies into the world. Cerrada ceremonies are intended to help women close their physical and energetic bodies in a loving ceremonial way.
The cerrada includes a small tea ceremony with platica, a limpia or energy cleansing and then a literal closing up, or wrapping tightly of the body with rebozos, or shawls from head to toe. This can invite healing on many levels, especially for traumatic birth experiences, as well as offer a gentle way to seal and honor the whole pregnancy and birth experience and reintegrate new meaning into the mother.
This a very carefully structured ceremony that is carried out intentionally and with the individual needs and rhythms of the mother. It may vary slightly in that way according to each mothers needs and can take up to 2-3 hours.
It is with great pain that I acknowledge the current state of most birthing facilities and families is to throw away placentas as medical waste after birth.
The first few times I witnessed this it hurt for reasons I was unfamiliar with. Then one day it became loud with the voice of Spirit, and I knew that I would no longer be a part of throwing away another baby's placenta. Not only are these sacred organs, but I believe, as many Indigenous cultures believe, that they are the baby's sacred twin. Energetically and spiritually connected. I believe they deserve to be honored.
In my tradition, I practice placenta burrial ceremonies. I believe that buried into the earth they serve as an energetic tether for baby. In this way baby's will always have a sacred connection to this land, and to Panchamama or Tierra Madre, sacred Mother Earth. I believe this is a powerful way we can start to remember our sacred relationship to the Earth, and help our children to always feel connected and grounded to a greater purpose and their sacred origins.
This ceremony includes an invocation/prayer will be spoken, and sacred herbs to help honor and carry the placenta into the next transition. Consultation will also be included to discuss with the family their intentions and any personal visions or prayers they would like to include.

βthe privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.β
-Carl Jung