This Wise Woman Approach
do you know that you are already healthy and whole?
I hope that's why you’ve landed here. Because it is not I that will cure you.
I honor the light within you to heal yourself. I believe that all women are divinely designed to be our own healers. So you might think, what is my purpose for being here? To walk with you. Just because we have what it takes within us to heal ourselves doesn’t mean we don’t need or desire guidance and support. It doesn’t mean that there isn’t knowledge and wisdom outside of ourseleves to be sought. I believe that for women, the healing path was always surrounded by other women. I don’t desire to diagnose you, treat you, or fix you. Thats the heroic model of care. And I am not your hero. Rather, I utilize my training in various healing arts and sciences to help you explore where within yourself your health intuition is hiding. I use the Wise Woman tradition as coined by Susun Weed to guide my practice. This can mean many different things in terms of modalities and offerings to help enlighten your path. But the key is that you will be finding and following your own remedies towards balance. I will offer techniques and knowledge that can serve as guides and channels on your journey, but I don’t promise to give you answers. I promise to support you and nourish you as you work to find the answers within. I do believe as women trained in the arts and sciences of healing we do have wisdom and knowledge to offer, and this will be a part of my services should you desire it.
Services available to assist your healing journey:
Holistic Womens Health sessions
Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) Coaching
Bodywork and Intuitive Energy Healing sessions
1:1 Birth Processing Sessions
and more!
Contact me to schedule a wellness visit!
“The Wise Woman tradition is invisible. Without healers, without diseases, without cures, without certificates, without guarantees, it exists. It has no rules, no right answers, no promise of life eternal…
The Wise Woman Tradition reminds us that wellness and illness are not polarities. They are part of the continuum of life. We are constantly renewing ourselves, cell by cell, second by second, every minute of our lives. Problems, by their very nature, can facilitate deep spiritual and symbolic renewal, leading us naturally into expanded, more complete ways of thinking about and experiencing ourselves.”